Child Bereavement Support

Grief is like the ocean; it comes in waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming.
All we can do is learn to swim.
~ Vicki Harrisson ~
Grief is a natural process and just like adults children grieve too.
The death of a loved one is devastating for anyone but for children in particular it can be especially difficult to deal with and understand. Grief is a normal and natural response to loss, but every individuals experience, how they cope and what they need is different and unique. There are no rules when it comes to grief. And just like adults, some children will need or want some extra emotional support from outside of the family home. (others won't and that's ok too.)
At Holding Hearts we understand that love is forever, and so grief is usually a life long journey. Through our support services we can support your child at every stage of this difficult journey you hoped never to take. Children can join our creative, Grief Youth Groups, so they never feel alone in their grief or they might be better suited to some 1:1 or small group therapeutic work with one of our fully qualified therapists or working through our creative bereavement journal as a family at home might be just what they need. Whichever part of our service you choose, we can promise to listen and hold space so your child can express themselves and tell their stories in a way that is right for them.
Giving children time to process and explore what has happened, how they feel and what it means for them in their own time and through a medium that is natural to them; play and creative arts, can really help as they grow around their grief.

To learn more about our bespoke bereavement support services click the buttons below